Monday 9 February 2009

Pancakes and Valentines

Valentines day is drawing near again, (has it really been a year already?), so it's time for me to start dropping subtle hints to my hubby! I'm not kidding, 2 weeks before our wedding anniversary I have to dig out my wedding dress and parade around the house in it every evening in the hope that he'll get the drift!!That usually does the trick, except that I don't own a valentines dress so I guess I'll have to don some wacky glasses like my friend above!
And then we'll have pancake day, or Shrove Tuesday, on the 24th, will you be doing any of the races or tossing, (I'm sorry if that was badly put!)? I tried it last year, thought I was being cool for the kids, but I'm still trying to peel the remnants of those darn pancakes off the ceiling to this day! Think I'll give that one a miss this year, and take the kids out to a Creperie instead.

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